VX Weld HR/SR Systems
Vision in X offers several DDA-based systems for weld inspection. We offer different digital detectors depending on requirements of the particular application. Together with ISee! Professional software, user gets an innovative and easy-to-use tool for execution of all inspection steps: controlling of X-ray source, image acquisition, image enhancement and analysis, reporting and archiving. We support you on every stage of selection and deployment of the digital system. But first, why use digital if conventional film-based inspection works well? There are a few reasons:
- Digital is faster and more efficient, thus, it saves human resources in comparison to film
- It saves money normally spend on consumables (film and development)
- It improves inspection quality and opens new application areas (not for all but for many inspection tasks)
- It increases mobility compared to film (DDAs are especially good in this respect because of small footprint, small weight, no open optical parts)
- Instant availability of results and fast access to images from your database from everywhere
Digital inspection after ISO 17636-2
The ISO 17636-2 standard provides the minimal requirements for radiographic inspection of welded joints in metallic materials with quality equivalent to film radiography but using digital technology. It applies to welding joints of plates and pipes. Besides "pipes" in the conventional meaning, it also covers other cylindrical bodies such as tubes, penstocks, boiler drums, and pressure vessels.
Vision in X offers several DDA-based inspection systems to accomplish the task: some are more suitable for thicker materials, other are optimal for thin ones. All of them share the same basis - the ISee! Professional software. ISee! Professional offers support for many different digital detectors to satisfy customers' requirements in the best way and provides convenient and high quality detector calibration, image processing and measurement tools necessary to work efficiently and compliant to the ISO 17636-2.
Class B inspections with VX Weld HR and VX Weld SR

The VX Weld HR inspection system features a 75 µm DDA and the ISee! Professional software, complemented with modules necessary for weld inspection after ISO 17636-2.
The important property of this inspection system is its high spatial resolution (i.e. low SRb value). It is best suited for inspection of welded joints with base material thickness below 12 mm. Class B inspection requires for these material thicknesses much higher spatial resolution than most of the DDAs commonly used now can provide. This is where 75 µm pixel pitch of VX Weld HR detectors comes into play.
Thanks to support of many different detectors by the ISee! Professional software, the customer's existing DDAs and CR-units can most likely be used further on. The customer also has free choice of system upgrades in the future.

VX Weld HR is available in the large size and the standard size versions, designated respectively as VX Weld HR LS and VX Weld HR SS. The main technical specifications of these systems are:
- Pixel pitch: 75 µm
- Size of active area: 291 x 230 mm² (LS) or 145 x 115 mm² (SS)
- Outer size of detector: 352 x 272.5 x 43 mm³ (LS) or 223.5 x 150 x 42 mm³ (SS)
- Recommended maximal energy: 225 kV (LS) or 160 kV (SS)
- Portable (notebook-based) or stationary versions, optionally with large high quality display, Windows 7 or v8.x
- Connectivity between PC and DDA: ethernet cable
- Power supply: 110-240 VAC / 50-60 Hz
VX Weld SR complements HR system and is best suited for thicker materials and larger objects. It is available in two sizes as well:
- Size of active area: 410 x 410 mm² (LS) or 205 x 205 mm² (SS)
- Radiation hard (usable up to 15 MeV)
- Pixel pitch: 200 µm
- Outer size of DDA: 560 x 500 x 22 mm³ (LS) or 360 x 295 x 22 mm³ (SS)
- Portable (notebook-based) or stationary versions, optionally with large high quality display, Windows 7 or v8.x
- Connectivity between PC and DDA: ethernet cable
- Power supply: 110-240 VAC / 50-60 Hz

Further technical and purchasing information
Interested in more technical or purchasing information? Please contact us:
e-mail: info@vision-in-x.comtel: +49 163 9135650 or +49 30 9653 4837or consult contact section.