Corrosion assessment and wall thickness measurement

Corrosion assessment and wall thickness measurement by means of radiographical examination is an established and cost efficient inspection method.  It becomes especially indispensable if the pipes to be inspected are insulated or their surface is not directly accessible due to other reasons (so that UT cannot be used).  There are two methods: tangential measurements and measurements which explicitly utilise attenuation law in the penetration direction, the so called densitometric method.

The practical value of both methods depends, however, on the precision and reliability of the measurements as well as on their ability to perform correctly in different conditions, e.g. for thick walls or pipe diameters, or a high amount of scatter (often caused by a proximal wall or other concrete structures), etc.

Tangential measurement of wall thickness in the wtScope software (2002)
Tangential measurement of wall thickness in the wtScope software (2002)
Densitometric measurement of wall thickness in the wtScope software (2002)
Densitometric measurement of wall thickness in the wtScope software (2002)

The wtScope software, developed in 2000-2002 by the Vision in X CEO during his times at German Federal Institute for material Research and Testing (BAM), was the first in the world industrial solution which allowed significantly better precision and wider application range of the both inspection methods.  This was possible thanks to digital image acquisition and use of sophisticated image processing algorithms.  Since 2000, the software is in daily use in the industy, major worldwide active NDT systems manufacturers have licensed the source code or algorithms and incorporated the method in their products in recent years as well.

ISee! Professional continues this development and go even further.  We work on new advanced algorithms, constantly encreasing performance and measurement precision of the inspection method.   The system can be build based either on a CR or a DDA basis.

Further technical and purchasing information

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tel: +49 163 9135650 or +49 30 9653 4837
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